Discover the best ideas to renovate your bedroom

Blot … and new room.

The bedroom is a space of refuge and peace that increasingly gains functionality to be able to integrate with other spaces thanks to the new paradigm for interior design characterized by open spaces. In the same way that today it is not unusual to gather in the same living space, kitchen and dining room for the social area, for the bedroom area it is increasingly common to resort to the set formed by the bedroom, the bathroom suite and the dressing room or even a small point of reading or relaxation.

Thus, the bedroom adapts and evolves, and therefore it is perhaps necessary to revise this room to adapt it to new life situations. So that the spaces transform with us and our lifestyle.

Therefore, today in Coblonal Interior Design Studio we bring you a selection of ideas to renovate your bedroom based on our experience as interior designers in Barcelona.

Neutral colors that combine with everything

 rustic room decoration hotel Can Casi rustic headboard with floor lamps

The change, or the neutralization of the colors can be a good strategy to create a bedroom with more vitality without giving up the harmony, since it allows to reflect better the natural one.

When remove is to add

less is more

When we think about renewing, the first thing that comes to mind is to add, or change, but nothing is further from reality: remove from the equation forms a strategy that allows you to focus and highlight other elements. Less is more, and in the bedroom more than ever.

Natural light, the queen of the deck

 natual light

Natural lighting is the most important painting in all architecture and interior design projects. And at the time of renewal, a small big change may be to let natural light flow unimpeded.



Through the lighting strategy we can expand, distribute and add new uses to the space.

Thus, adding small, new and unexpected points of light can offer a new dimension to the room without the need for a large investment.

Details that mark


Sometimes, well-planned details can change the whole look.

A painting, a different headboard … on a minimalist background will allow you to add personality and elegance adapted to you.

In Coblonal Interior Design Studio we confess devotees of the formula:

Minimalist base + unexpected elements

Some items such as objects that are not typically used in the room or in the decoration of a bedroom.

A plan in different color

coloured ceilings

They say that the devil hides in the details … because in the case of today are the changes, which are also in the details.

Are you going around your room to see how you can renew it? What if we tell you that part of the answer may be to change a wall color? Simple, but effective. It can be the wall, or the roof, as in this case – higher pictures -.

The canvas on the walls

open space

The walls make up a perfect canvas to optimize the renovation and generate a new space without a large investment.

A bet that we especially like is to include large paintings without the need for anything else. Or take advantage of the work outs to opt for the relax of some paintings without hanging.

Sliding Door

open space with sliding doors

A sliding door allows to dynamize the spaces to create new configurations that adapt to the rhythm of the uses.

At the time of renovation, if you think about opening the bedroom to other spaces, but you are not completely convinced by the option of losing doors, a sliding door forms a perfect solution to not give up any of the options.

The sliding doors, far from being just a container and closing element, become, according to their design and choice, an element that can modify and harmonize the appearance of the room, as well as its functionality.

Add a dressing room

  dressing with light

A dressing room allows you to add new uses to renovate your usual bedroom, since it is a space that has a double function, on the one hand it serves as a place for storage and exhibition of clothing, shoes or toilet elements. On the other, the dressing room acquires a dimension of rest. Thus, the dressing room becomes a space of relaxation and care and an interesting update of your bedroom.

As you can see, when you renovate your bedroom you have at your disposal a large number of options that you can combine as you wish. We hope these ideas give you the inspiration you need to achieve the bedroom you deserve.

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